To the winds of the SOUTH- Great Serpent, wrap your coils of light around us, teach us to shed the past the way you shed your skin, to walk softly on the Earth. Teach us the Beauty Way.
To the winds of the WEST- Mother Jaguar, protect our medicine space. Teach us the way of peace, to live impeccably. Show us the way beyond death.
To the winds of the NORTH- Hummingbird, Grandmothers and Grandfathers and Ancient Ones, come and warm your hands by our fires, whisper to us in the wind, we honor you who have come before us and you who will come after us, our children’s children.
To the winds of the EAST- Great Eagle, Condor, come to us from the place of the rising Sun. Keep us under your wing. Show us the mountains we only dare to dream of. Teach us to fly wing to wing with the Great Spirit.
It feels like such a potent time in our world with the observance of Ramadan, Passover and Easter. This four winds prayer stirs within me an ancient knowing of what wind is capable of. She uncovers, circulates, clears away that which needs to be and is an impetus. Sending blessings and prayers with a mighty force or even as gently as a silent whisper.
I have been acutely aware lately when my restless, monkey mind spins itself into worry and anxiety. What has really been assisting me with this is to turn it into metta instead. The sending of loving kindness, light and blessings for the highest out into the world. It is a vibrant energy that flows with the wind and is more easily received and welcomed than the stickiness and lower vibration that worry may bring.
Windy places have always intrigued me. It is this time of year that brings back memories of our family camping trips in the red rock desert. The Easter bunny skillfully hid brightly colored eggs in the niches, while Douglas and Sarah basked in delight having their annual hunt in the midst of nature and her breathtaking beauty. Baskets teeming with their finds and coming back together to check in with one another and display their bounty.
Wherever we may find ourselves in this time of renewal, may we allow the wind to perform her magic. Even if she unleashes a bit of a bite, a chill as we encounter her doing what she was born to do. What often follows not far behind is a pulsating, life giving warmth, a birth of that which desires to enter within. Can we create space for her to blow in those germinating seeds of growth and renewal?
Blessed Be to all who gather here and are reminded that we are enough, more than enough just as we are and that we are not alone. Invite in all the Divine assistance and help earth side that is needed. The only thing that hinders this, is us. There exists a hand to hold and a loving and wise heart to hear ours. Hand in hand, Heart to heart we travel warrior woman that we are.
The breath of life is in the sunlight, and the hand of life is in the wind. ~ Kahlil Gibran