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What If?

Joanie Madsen

What if I could remember that my thoughts are not who I am, yet they are like clouds passing over and through simply to inform me. I have the choice of whether or not I want to pitch my tent within them?

What if I could remember that there are no mistakes and that they are opportunities to learn, to grow and perhaps not repeat?

What if I could see, know and hear myself as others do? What might be my take away and what might I notice?

What if I could not see life as a dress rehearsal for all those fearful things that I believe might land more softly if they do occur because I have prepared and later find out that nothing could have ever prepared me for it?

What if I rested when I felt tired without an apology and allowed my body to take the lead and simply followed?

What if I kept showing up, even if it was ten percent of the time without stopping myself because I believed it only counted if it was one hundred percent?

What if I could have some more “Me too” moments?

What if I could share the most hidden parts of my secret self with another and not carry an expectation of how it might be received or not?

What if I could learn to fully listen to my body and heart and not question it when my mind tries to spin me out into the ethers?

What if I could share my superpowers that I know I have because we all do and not feel as if I’m in ego and being boastful?

What if I could speak up each time something is said that feels confusing or like an ouch to ask for clarification?

What if I could remember that my being here in my earth suit at this present time is no mistake, I have a purpose and not to shrink back from it?

What if I could try to leave every person and or place I land feeling better?

What if I could allow myself the same wiggle room, grace and gentle care I try to practice with others?

What if I could try to unlearn something that no longer serves me because as I know better I can do better?

What if I could be surprised by something, someone or even myself daily?

What if awe and peace could be mine without questioning it?

What if I could greet each day with a beginner’s mind and ask to be shown what matters most in this moment?

What if I could remain curious and learn something new daily with a childlike wonder?

What if I could truly believe that I’m enough, more than enough just as I am?

What if I could take up as much space and burn as brightly as I desire to without playing small?

What if I could make my amends immediately when I sense I have hurt another with my words and actions?

What if I could ask for what I need without an explanation or apology?

What if I could let those in my sphere see the amazing things that I do and recognize it within themselves and own it?

What if I could sink into my body throughout my day and ask it what it needs and not project those needs outward onto others?

What if I could remember that when I feel like a red, hot mess that it’s okay and I am too, even in my messiest and most unlovable moments?

What if I could remember that I am loved beyond measure for being just who I am and that for as many times as I topple over, I will get back up again?

What if I could remember that I am a work in progress and find comfort in the knowledge that I certainly don’t have all the answers or even the questions?

What if I could remember that I am never alone and that there are hearts with ears waiting to listen and to hold the space with and for me?

What if I could thank you each enough for your presence in my life?

This has felt very healing for me and I invite each of you to perhaps create your own What If lists and see what bubbles up? You might be surprised as I know I have been.

(Douglas has found his way into Justine, Dani's momma's rock garden. These are the acts of kindness that take my breath away and remind me of the power of healing within the collective.)

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