I’m broke but I’m happy
I’m poor but I’m kind
I’m short but I’m healthy, yeah
I’m high but I’m grounded
I’m sane but I’m overwhelmed
I’m lost but I'm hopeful baby
And what it all comes down to
Is that everything’s gonna be fine, fine, fine
I’ve got one hand in my pocket
And the other one is giving a high five.
(First verse of Alanis Morissette’s song, “Hand in My Pocket.”)
I’ve felt immersed within this song and how I too find myself living within the paradox, the contrast, the alchemy of the both/and which creates a life.
I’m a certain age, and I’m ageless.
I’m full, and I’m empty.
I’m an adventurer, and I’m a homebody.
I’m the mother of two, and can only see one physically.
I’m a daughter, and no one calls me their daughter.
I’m a seeker of knowledge, and I know nothing.
I’m a deep diver, and I rest on summits of mountaintops.
I’m remembering, and I’m forgetting.
I’m showing up, and I’m a no show.
I’m a giver, and I’m a taker.
I’m a chatterbox, and I’m silent.
I’m a root, and I’m a shooting star.
I’m laughing, and I’m crying.
I’m certain, and I’m doubtful.
I’m full steam ahead, and I’m still.
I’m precise, and I’m scattered.
I’m me, and I’m whomever I merge with.
I’m cozy, and I’m prickly.
I’m a lover of music and the instruments play me.
I’m simple, and I’m complex.
I’m a meditator, and my thoughts are like popcorn.
I’m tidy, and I’m a red, hot mess.
I’m enough, and I’m no-thing.
I’m present, and I’m doing the Hokey Pokey.
I’m humble, and I’m self absorbed.
I’m lost, and I’m found.
"Bring serenity where there is impatience.
Bring tempo, bring swing where there is arrhythmia.
Where resistance exists, subdue it.
When confusion arises, temper it with candour.
In places dull, spark ingenuity bright.
Where it is ungrounded, spring rhizome, tuber, stock.
Where love is lacking, bring ardent devotion.
In the face of fear, call forth absolute validation and mirth.
In complexities and nuances, meticulous care.
Where there is distance, division, separation, contempt,
Ring a bell, regain consciousness.
Bring thunderclouds and steady feet to where I am.
Bring a Big-mind, Sky-mind. Heart-mind.
Give me my bearings, my bond, with vital spark.
Gently rock this body on the lake of its life.
Show her how to swim.” ~ Sarah Blondin