I am sharing with our community a text I received from a dear friend who last year lost her precious husband. This tool she received from her counselor is absolutely brilliant.
“Recently I was sharing with my counselor all the aspects of life without my husband earth side. Top on the grief list was missing our long talks and daily advice we’d share with one another. The counselor said, have you thought about writing your thoughts and questions down to your husband as if he was still by your side? Then listen and immediately write down what your husband says back to you. Continue the discourse through writing to each other in real time.”
One of her concerns was that she was not able to bring her husband’s energetic level and thoughts into an alignment and frequency that she is operating within. Sensing and wondering that she might be missing content and not always sure of what she was receiving. She expressed that this practice of writing suggested by her counselor has changed everything and has felt immensely powerful.
Twice since being offered this healing tool she has written her question(s) down and already she has twenty pages filled with responses from her husband. She does not write the question and then abandon the process by going about her daily chores. Rather, she waits with pen in hand to write down what she is receiving from her husband in the moment as it comes in.
Now I must tell a little secret about my pal. She’s an intellectual, very cognitive and her safety and security are first found within the realm of her mind. Over the years she’s been clearing the conduit between her mind and heart to welcome being heart minded and tap into both simultaneously. I truly hope this offers encouragement and hope to my brainy ones out there who might question and feel unsure about this tool. She’s your validation and poster child to not overthink this practice and to simply allow it to flow through you.
Many grief books recommend keeping a journal, letter writing to our beloveds, yet this practice of actually writing down a thought, a question and waiting for a response in the moment is stellar.
Perhaps some of you have been onto this gem already and if so, way to go. If not, here we have another tool to place in our tool kits to try. Something about tools that has been a given for me is that they change over time because I am evolving. What might have been useful no longer is and I can feel it within my body when I’m needing to switch them up. It might also be a tool I tried in the past that I’m ready to implement once again. Meditation was that way for me and now I cannot imagine my daily life without it.
Mahalo Nui Loa my dearest friend for being so generous in your sharing of what has been a game changer for you. You are growing your relationship with your sweet husband and keeping your connection among the two of you vibrant and alive. This IS the Holy Grail!
I just received this book from my friend which her counselor recommended. It is fascinating as I've just begun reading and it goes right along with what this week's blog post is about. Thank you for my surprise this week dear one❣️
What a beautiful way to reconnect with a loved one! I don’t know why it never occurred to me to try it. Thank you for sharing!