(My mother and me, holding and gazing. She never did take her eyes off of me.)
In a most nourishing and reflective meditation offered by Sarah Blondin, she begins by saying, I understand and believe you are held with tenderness and delight. Sarah recounts after speaking with her father about feeling as if she was spiraling into fear, how he responded was what began to calm and settle her insides. She shares, what I love most about my dad is that he didn’t dive into the experience with me. Instead, he stayed on the shore and offered me a life vest of words.
No fixes, solving, or pushing the eject button with platitudes and comparisons. Yet, a calm, I see you, and that love abounds which is ever present no matter the depths of the bottomless abyss we may find ourselves submerged within. Love is holding us.
I recently asked my treasured friend, Judy, who is learning how to live without her dear husband earth side where she if finding herself in this now moment? She replied, I just miss him so much. When we delved deeper, as I was curious as to Kurt, who is in spirit may come in and offer comfort? Without skipping a beat she shared that she feels held in his steadfast and loving embrace. Also, her guide, Jack, yes, he was delighted to share his name with her, assists as well with her needs, and the two appear to work side by side. Each assisting in their own unique ways, to provide comfort to her grieving and longing heart.
Nature, in all her glory holds us. Sarah Blondin, goes out into her forest, and sits beneath the trees, to tap into the great mother wisdom of her majestic evergreens for nurturing and guidance. Animals hold us too. Dogs can detect human emotions by smelling chemical changes in breath and sweat. When we are feeling stress, happiness, fear, sadness, and often when ill, how they become our Velcro pals never leaving our sides. We’d joke with our first dog, Brandi, our yellow lab, that we didn’t often know who was actually the sickest? She took her job very seriously, and I believe, helped us get better faster, because we could feel how we were doing by how she was internalizing us. No one wanted that fun loving pup down for too long!
May we all feel held by Love, however she may appear. Perhaps it’s being deeply listened to, feeling the warm embrace of those in spirit, and earth side, a cuddle by an animal, and the mother of all mothers, Mother Nature. Holding us captive as she puts on her miraculous daily shows that we don’t even have to purchase a ticket for.
“In love, I stand on my shore, and I call out to each of you. I believe you are being held with tenderness and delight, no matter what you are facing.” ~ Sarah Blondin
As so often occurs with the spirit world they interject and weigh in, which I absolutely count on and really appreciate. My mom’s birthday is on the 6th, who is no longer earth side, yet wanted me to share some of her wisdom, that many of you already have been privy to. She believes it belongs, thus I scoot over, and give her the key board and away we go.
The Tao according to LoRaine:
If we can choose between laughing and crying, let’s laugh.
I just had a “happening,” it was always related to something spirit related.
Whomever called them “The Golden Years” wasn’t in them.
Modern medicine keeps us alive, and then no one knows what to do with you?
Girls, please remember when I die, I just want to be “creamed.”
You better be careful what you wish for as you just might get it.
As a teen, my mind reminded me that I could always use her as an excuse, that I was needed at home if the situation I was in was not safe or comfortable.
Borrowed from my brother, yet a favorite of hers was an event was considered a success if no one threw up, passed out or fell down.
Not everyone is going to like you in life, yet what matters most is that you respect and feel at home within yourself.
How you take care of yourself through the years will greatly influence how you feel later in life.
Always, I heard, “Joan, are doing something lovely just for you, and are you getting enough rest?”
A splash of LoRaine, in her innate wisdom and depth of love for her family. In her eyes, her children were her sun, moon and stars. In gratitude, mom, for always BEing my true north, directing me home to what matters most. A Love Warrior in every sense of the word who took her role of mothering very seriously, yet accompanied by the most delicious sense of humor. Happy Birthday!

(Mom, holding onto her older pal, in Missoula, Montana, 1921.)
The Tao has a few nuggets for me. Those pictures are precious capture 💜💜💜
Happy heavenly birthday soon, LoRaine! I can tell she was a loving and deeply nurturing mother, and this tribute must delight her in divine ways.
I appreciate your support in connecting with my own guides, especially my own angel mother and my dog, Enzo! Learning how to tune in to these sources of love and light has revolutionized my life. Your gifts are more precious than gold, Joanie ✨💖