The Center
I stand in the center
of all – this –
that ordinary folks call life.
But I know that this tangible, one-dimensional collection of
minutes, days and years
is not life.
For most, the years fly by, like scattering cards, a carousel gone awry,
a black and white picture show played too quickly, a hurricane even
and we are all too easily consumed by the blur.
But I stand in the center, holding the words he died in my hands,
my words of love, longing, and loss blow in the storm around me,
and catch on the bones of grief at my feet.
My words flap bravely like Tibetan prayer flags, holding fast onto the beautiful altar at my feet.
each one a lament
each one a devotion
each one holding up a light for another sister in sorrow.
There are times when I am both now and then, here and there,
(maybe I am nowhere)
but one thing I know to be true – I am always with you, my child, and you are always with me.
How am I able to conduct this trick of time? This miraculous folding of time and space?
Just as a man was able to convert water to wine through love,
I am able to hold fast to who you were and who you are now – through love.
My dear, it has always been love.
The tether that connects me to you,
that connects this world to all the other worlds that are unknown to me right now.
And I am eternally grateful to have loved you (to love you still)
and to be loved by you from this holy space in the –
– center.
For Joanie and Douglas - thank you for holding the light for all of us who came before and after. By Molly Senecal, 7/13/24
You will always been tethered with love. He is always there with you just in another way. The veil is so thin and close to us it feels at times we could reach each other. Love to you my favorite human♥️🪶DOUGLAS!!!!
I received this most beautiful piece from Molly, today and it was too meaninful for my heart to stay contained. Thus, I am sharing with all of my sisters of the heart, each of you who support me year round in the highs, lows and messy middle of life. My deepest gratitude and love for your support and companioning of Douglas and me. Love and Light from us to each of you. 💞✨