A little back story to this post I must share because I get a kick telling on myself. I’ve been thinking about writing about signs and happenings as it’s been percolating. One morning as I walked out into the kitchen a bar stool was completely moved away and bottom cupboard door open. My first thought was, “Wow, Douglas, you must be teaching a 101 class on signs to the kids.” I kept everything just as it was because I was so excited for my husband to see it. He walked into the kitchen and I’m pointing out my extraordinary find and he chuckles. We had a lizard in our house last night that he’d gone to get a container for and that was why the barstool had been moved. Was I disappointed? Only for a moment as I remembered a dream that I had of him when he told me that he’s with me always whether he leaves a sign or not. What it did motivate me to do was to write about my findings and feelings around signs, happenings, winks whatever you may choose to call them from our loved ones.
To have a tangible reminder, something that is front row and center which invites us to pause and remember our people is an insatiable desire. When newly bereaved mommas say they cannot feel their children and aren’t sure why what always comes in for me is to directly ask your loved one. I asked Douglas for clear signs that were distinctly him that I hoped I wouldn’t miss.Yet, if I did to please have patience and to keep trying as I would do my best to remain open, curious and not overthink or talk myself out of what I was discovering.
One of the my earliest signs from him was when I came out of a reading with my dear friend and there was a huge white feather on her window. We thought it was for her and later she said she had a sense it was for me. How it evolved was we have a large turkey feather in front of a picture of him holding his niece on our dresser and the feather would be moved all over the dresser. No windows were open, no fans blowing and that feather would be moved in every different direction on the dresser.
Later we noticed the bath mats being moved to totally different places in the bathroom. When I was sharing with his former girlfriend about it one day her mouth dropped open and she told me that he was always so frustrated with how bathroom mats got caught under the door and was constantly kicking them out of the way. I had not known this and was speechless with this new find.
Numbers sequences, 11:11, 1:11 and 7:11 come at times when I haven’t looked at the time for hours and I always sense it’s a hello. They arrive just when I am needing them and often before I truly realize just how much.
Music can be another way they love to communicate and one year on a tender day we are checking out at the grocery store and heard, With Arms Wide Open by Creed, a song that we rarely hear and is one that creates a bridge to Douglas and often tears when they are needed as well.
Dreams/Visits are another way we can feel our loves. I don’t dream very often of Douglas, yet when I do, he looks amazing and he’s generally younger. A visit may feel different for many than a dream and did for me. I experienced a visit from my late brother three days after he had shed his earth suit and he was speaking to me telepathically. Peace pulsated throughout my body and felt other worldly, almost as if I wasn’t meant to experience it for long. What came in for me is that he was letting me know that he was okay, more than okay. I remember it as clearly as I did when it happened twenty-six years ago and a dream can fade over time, yet this visit feels tattooed onto my heart.
Our signs and happenings are as unique as our people are. Moving things, manipulating electricity, music, numbers, license plates, nature is a favorite with hummingbirds, dragonflies, butterflies, sunsets, shooting stars, cardinals, and the list goes on.
What I have discovered opens up the channels for me with happenings is to not have any expectations of how they might come in and to embrace and cultivate an openness. I have no doubt that I have missed countless contacts, yet when I do get it I know my people are thrilled and I always thank them a hundred fold for hanging in there with me and helping me to see with new eyes.
