It can become life altering to think that there are three word statements that can stand alone without any explanations if one chooses. Some that have had a profound impact upon me are:
I don’t know
Be here now
All is well
Remember to live - Goethe
Yes you can
Be the change
Silence is golden
Never give up
I am sorry
I love you
I have no doubt each of you glancing over this list could add some of your favorites, and I hope that you will in the comments. So often, to rest in one of these may shift the tides of my being in ways more profound than I might imagine possible.
As I engage in my yearly orbits around the sun, I am discovering that less is more in so many instances. I have endless admiration and even a tinge of word envy at times, when I read someone express something that catapults me into the ethers in such a succinct fashion. I’ll never forget my darling older brother, Rick, saying to our dad when after he asked him a question, “Dad, is it yes, or is it no?” I come by the verbosity naturally and thank goodness for the delete button, which I’m reminded is always an option.
I create to make meaning and the more I lift the veil, allowing you to really see me, the less of an imposter I feel resides within this body of mine. She’s okay just as she is and doesn’t require any censoring. Trusting that what she splashes upon the page is just what is needed for now. It will change prompting me to add, delete or allow it to remain in my folder as it is serving its purpose and does not require an audience at this time.
As I peruse the list, the first one, I don’t know, animates and invigorates me. It feels like a surrendering into what is, the mystery of not needing to know. Perhaps believing that a sense of safety will result, a container, an answer, yet none of those have any long lasting effects because they simply are not meant to.
One of my gal pals and I tease and joke over our long list of questions we are going to have when we drop our bodies and venture into the next place. Questions such as: What is the purpose for women growing facial hair after menopause? How did the energy quota become so mixed up with giving an over abundance to children and the adults could certainly benefit from more? These are on the lighter side of life with many deep existential questions sprinkled throughout.
Do not speak - unless it improves on silence. -Buddhist saying
I am tucking this saying safely away in my pocket to pull out often. Relishing in the quiet, the expansiveness of it, and leaning into the mystery of the unknown. Imagine the push and pull of life easing some, if this statement was one that was truly honored and revered? An expansive and profound sense of relief washes over me when I ponder, hear and speak those three words, I don’t know. I am not meant to be the ALL and powerful Wizard of Oz. Hiding behind a heavy curtain waiting for Toto, to eventually expose me. Feverishly working the giant levers creating flashing lights and thunderous clashes of noise pretending that I do know, when actually, I haven’t a clue!
