Trees have companioned me throughout my life in the most healing and nurturing of ways. I had favorite trees on my childhood property that I could climb, nestle and hide within the branches and utter all my secrets to and they never flinched. I kept hearing them remind me that they were not going anywhere, would always listen and were able to transmute anything I offered into a life giving elixir.

Upon moving to our current property in Upcountry Maui, filled with an abundance of trees, sadly some have had to be removed because of being planted too close to our house. Kona winds can be dangerous and bring a tree down quickly and a majestic red jacaranda finally had to meet her fate. It is one we waited on until we could no longer. Only planted a mere three to four feet from a back door, her roots were spreading and inching closer to the foundation.
Coeur, the French word for heart, came tumbling in as I gazed at her because her bark was etched naturally with several of them scattered about. Jackson chameleons discovered her to be an easy climb and adored sunning themselves on her fluffy boughs. Honey bees adorned her when her scarlet flowers were in bloom. Flocks of brilliant red cardinals with their mates bonded with her as they could camouflage so easily within her plush, verdant branches, and scarlet buds.
Unfortunately, Coeur had been planted as a sapling in a poor location and I had many a long discussion with her about this conundrum. Both of us not understanding how this spot could have been chosen for her to flourish? The previous owners were not thinking long term about her growth and where she would thrive. Such a metaphor for our own lives when we’ve outgrown where we’ve been planted, perhaps feeling bound, constricted and unable to breathe, and to take up as much space as we need.
Her wood was donated to the school where my grandchildren attend and their woodworking teacher was thrilled. Dr. Tim has already been researching how they can best utilize her in the forms of benches, small tables, spoons, bowls, and the like as each tree/wood are unique for their properties. We bargained back and forth, Coeur and I did, and if she had to be felled, to trust she would be offered a new form felt amenable enough, even though I understand this is my human mind self soothing.
I am observing her usual occupants and I sense they witnessed it all as they are finding shelter in nearby trees. I summoned Coeur to put the word out that their fate is not next as trees are known to communicate in this intricate way. Coeur had to remain small to stay safe, and it was her demise in the end. Not because of how she grew, but because of the lack of knowledge of the humans who planted her. She shares with me to be patient and wait to see the next forms that she will be taking. Reminding me nothing in this world is ever lost, it simply changes form and will be discovered in new ways of being. My tree hugging arms are missing her greatly and I can still feel and see her in my mind’s eye. Phantom sways of her delicate, yet majestic branches still catch my eye and leave a pin prink upon my heart as I pass the doorway where we bowed daily to one another.
“In the immediate intuitive awareness of existence, a tree and I are seen as one, for that act by which the tree is and that by which I am is the same act; namely existence.” ~James Finley
