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My Mentor and Guide, SARAH RENEE

Joanie Madsen

Updated: Nov 12, 2023

There exists those pivotal moments when the student is ready. I experienced such a time over two year ago. My soul was yearning for something that I could not quite name yet. I was aware of Sarah Renee, as I was circling her orb and one day she included an invitation in her weekly energy updates and I never looked back.

I was unsure of what I was longing for, yet I recognized that I was consciously choosing not to navigate this leg of my path solo. We scheduled first an informal phone conversation to see if she sensed I would be a fit for the work/practice we were going to embark upon. When I first heard her voice, excitement, animation, her curiosity about me I felt that inner spanda, a yes. She gratefully felt it too and our sessions began.

Sarah is an exquisite alchemist, hearing my words and feeling what lives underneath them. Assisted by her guides, mine too, along with my loved ones who are no longer each side. Together and with an abundance of divine assistance we are actively spinning and weaving a new way of being for me. One I was ready for and not a moment before. Our timing was perfect.

Laughing, crying, disbelief at times of how exquisitely I am held in love, even saying a spicy word or two, (me, that is) which always animates things and makes us both giggle. I hear my mom chiming in, “Joan, where did you learn such words and my dad adding that we taught you that it is a lack of intelligence to not find other words to express oneself.” What a hoot that my parents are still so involved within my life and weigh in often. One time towards the very end of our session Sarah told me she had my dad and that he had been patiently waiting for a word. It was just before Father’s Day and also his birthday so of course he was requesting some air time. Way to go, dad!

Sarah has been one of my most transformative and powerful healers and guides on this leg of my life path that I am currently traversing. Everything she is learning, her life experiences and valuable tools she offers with a wide open and giving heart. I will never be Sarah, nor will she be me, and because of that we build upon one another’s gifts and this union of ours feels other worldly for me.

I understand that I have great privilege to be able to engage in this work with Sarah. Because of that, I am deeply aware to pass along her practices and wisdom in hopes that it may benefit as many others as it is me.

Nothing is withheld in our conversations as I’ve urged her to give me the Full Monty. In a mentoring relationship such as ours, I am asking for a mirror to be held so that I can see those aspects that are requiring my awareness and attention. Sarah delivers without judgment and is fully in impeccable alignment and truth. This is why I can hear and absorb because it’s higher wisdom coming through her for me and expressed with language that is both understandable and useful. Tools, tools, tools and she even gives homework!

I believe many of us yearn for someone in our lives who is unafraid to become our mirror holder. To ask the needed questions, be curious and to listen to the quiet stirrings of our souls. Inquiring as to how it’s feeling to be us and to remain around long enough to listen to our replies. May we all have the gift of a Sarah, in our lifetime. If we are so fortunate, now is the time to let them know what their companioning is meaning in shape shifting how we are moving into and throughout the world. I share with Sarah regularly how her work is far reaching because I am endlessly scattering the seeds. Asking for the wind to take the seeds of healing, hope, connection and renewal as far as one could imagine. You’re a keeper, Sarah, and one I am eternally grateful for.

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