(Photo Credit: @Vajramonkey on Substack)
These amazing love-filled beauties are waiting patiently outside the hospital rooms of sick children they’re about to visit and cheer up with a medicinal dose of real unconditional love. (Caption that was underneath the picture.)
Who or what might be on the other side of our doors? Tears welled immediately within me when I saw the photo for so many reasons. The predominant one clutching my heartstrings is that Love is Love, and sometimes it is called to stand by. No matter who or what becomes our messengers, are we willing to open our doors to receive?
These beloved furry pals are Love waiting for their human to welcome them in. They have no expectations I would imagine, except perhaps a smile, a light touch, a tummy rub, an ear scratch, and maybe even a delicious treat.
I have existed within seasons of a mandatory door closing. Cocooning for as long as I needed, to refuel, and to touch without unnecessary distractions those tender, inner parts demanding the fullness of my attention. However, what a life giving reminder to keep tucked safely away, that an energetic and sentient force awaits us. Cracking our doors ajar, even just a hair, and peeking out at times requires tremendous courage. Even if initially, we cannot discern the landscape, trying to take steps forward toward what is calling to us becomes our elixir and practice.
Tina Hedin, on Substack, writes so very tenderly about her daughter, Kiki, noticing how Clem, their beloved chicken, each time she catches a glimpse of Kiki, runs, heart first in her direction. Her little legs scurrying so fast, they become a blur, with her heart puffed out always taking the lead. I am fully adopting Kiki and Clem’s mantra of heart first. https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/03/style/modern-love-we-didnt-know-it-was-the-last-time.html
When it might feel too overwhelming, not a request that I can fulfill yet, I am going to drop within, and secure my door. Imagining in time one of those magical dogs patiently waiting for me to prop it open, and perhaps my heart too. Ever so slightly, just enough for a heart first greeting.
Go to the Limits of Your Longing by Rainer Maria Rilke
God speaks to each of us as he makes us,
then walks with us silently out of the night.
These are the words we dimly hear:
You, sent out beyond your recall,
go to the limits of your longing.
Embody me.
Flare up like flame
and make big shadows I can move in.
Let everything happen to you: beauty and terror.
Just keep going. No feeling is final.
Don't let yourself lose me.
Nearby is the country they call life.
You will know it by its seriousness.
Give me your hand.
*My gratitude, Clover Stroud, for sharing this magnificent poem on your Substack. It is now one of my favorites as well. https://www.cloverstroud.com/

(Heart First: Photo Credit: National Georgraphic Society)
Gorgeous offering of love and light on so many levels and so very needed from a tender heart cracked open a bit more by this thing we call life. Standing in it all, knees wobbly, propped up under my arms by the wings of our Dottie. The ring is off. My heart, once again, broken open...to heal and be formed a new that it may allow more light to pour through but my little turtle shell is firmly in place, cocooned for a while. I must rest. No more allowing the soft belly underneath to be so freely exposed. I love you my Joanie.🐢💓
Oh dear Joanie, what a joy this evocative photo post is for me. WOW!
Who is on the other side of our doors? ❤️heart first
thank you turtle friend