Is it ever too late? This presents an ever present paradox that as humans we find ourselves living within. I had a conversation with a dear friend just the other day and in her circumstance a family member was too late in letting her know of their desire in a real estate property. It was already under contract, going to another buyer. These kinds of moments happen when it is too late and I have no doubt that we each might be remembering something similar happening to us?
I find comfort in resting within this paradox that it’s never too late for me to try something, to circle back to repair a relationship, to grow into a more comfortable and authentic version of myself. As I know better I can try to do better and isn’t that what our humanity asks of us?
My parents were absolutely amazing in what might have been a knock out round when I brought to them some really hard things. Disappointments, generational trauma, childhood wounds, nothing unique to me, yet part of living within these earth suits of ours.
I was on the receiving end of this not too long ago, and oh, it was immensely painful to realize times that I’d completely missed an opportunity. It was not a time for me to rationalize, to defend, to explain away, no matter how much I wished I could have. Rather what was being asked of me was to remain open, quiet, to listen and to be accountable for my actions or lack of. To fully receive and to do something about it as I move forward because it’s not too late. I asked my family member not to give up on me and to please communicate their needs if I’m not getting it. As much as they wish they didn’t have and that I could anticipate and know, it is just not possible to hit the mark 100% of the time for any of us, ever.
How many times have we stopped ourselves because of an internal dialogue which tried to convince us that we were too late? I know I have and I’m not allowing that voice center stage as often as I have. Going for it and discovering that believing I’m late could also be viewed as right on time. Perhaps I wasn’t ready before and now I am. It might become as simple as that.
I often read that it’s never too late to become the best versions of ourselves that we can be. Aren’t we always creating and recreating who we are in this world?
Whatever it is that’s been taking up space in our minds with a bubble over it that says, “It’s too late.” I challenge each of us to create wording that is in alignment with how we are showing up daily. Always a work in progress, evolving, learning, growing and most certainly never complete or perhaps even late? And if we are indeed too late, taking full ownership, accountability and remembering that we will have countless opportunities to practice once again.
