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I Believe You

Joanie Madsen

Updated: Oct 6, 2022

I believe you. How does your body feel when you read those three words? For me, I sense an ease, a relaxing into, an invitation that I can say whatever I need to and that it doesn’t require any backing up of facts. Whatever is being spoken is my truth and the receiver simply is being asked to bear witness so that I can feel believed, respected and heard.

Sometimes as one bearing witness we are being called to believe in someone or something first even before the speaker of the words is able to. Saying the words are what are breathing life into them, a heartbeat and the energy to go out into the world. Perhaps if they can alchemize into another’s truth they might even become ours?

Haven’t you had the experience of uttering something before it was fully formed? I certainly have and at times have felt startled that I was even saying the thing. Almost as if it had oozed out of my mouth sometimes even without my permission and a force far greater was in control.

There are many layers to this, yet I’m immensely curious. I have no doubt if one would take my blood pressure after I hear, “I believe you” it would have decreased significantly. No need to call in the calvary to reinforce anything and more time to explore because the groundwork of belief is actively engaged and present.

When we are told something by someone who does believe it and it is not we later discover believable, perhaps it was even not a truth, how are we to hold that?

No doubt feelings of foolishness, denial, feeling gullible, maybe even a lack of trusting our inner barometer might come into play. Yet, I totally sense that our innate nature is to believe. Witness and observe a child as they feel into their worlds and take on first hand what is being communicated to them. They are believing because they have been given no reason not to yet. For most, it is a primal believing and trusting and only when that trust is shattered and broken does it begin to be laced with doubt and change into something else.

If we encounter not being believed or having to prove oneself in some external way for something that is often unexplainable, what can result is an outward gaze for an inner knowing. This can become a slippery slope as often the two simply do not line up and our truths are within us, not outside of us.

I sense there might be a huge exhale, a burst of energy to be had if we could begin to have our go to be, “I believe you.” Those three simple, yet so profound and validating words uttered when someone is describing what they are living into. How might that land and open the gateway for some life changing and life sustaining conversations? No need for proof in the initial exchange and a curiosity to do a deep dive together. Might you join me in finding ways to utilize these three words in their truest and most life giving forms. It could become revolutionary in the most healing of ways so that our energy is poured into creative problem solving, sharing, growing and learning from one another rather than in trying to defend, prove and seek validation outside of ourselves.

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