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Elder Wisdom According to Bear

Writer's picture: spacetofeelingsspacetofeelings

“There is an old in me. An elder who knows what’s worth my energy and time. An 80 year old woman who couldn’t care less about the noise. Who knows what matters, and what she is about.” ~Virginia Rosenberg

My whole being has been infused with age as of late and this truly is new for me. I’ve never been one who has placed a lot of thought nor care in what age the calendar calculates that I am. Generally it’s a feeling within that is more of an accurate barometer for me. However, this one, my last year of my sixties has made me pause and carries some increased sensitivity.

Nature has always been my classroom and most adept teacher. Our daughter took in a rescue horse, headed for his demise at age thirty-four. A neglected elder he was, with bones sticking out from under his lack luster and oh, so thin coat. Sarah called him, Bear, a name her brother had bestowed upon her. Bear became her healing and love project as she recognized within him a spark, a life force which she trusted would reveal itself in time.

Quickly she observed that Bear did not require fencing in and could free range. Often he could be found lounging and catching the warmth of the sun under the shady pepper tree. Bales of hay recently purchased didn’t even make it out of her truck as Bear sauntered over to taste test them first. Alerting her to which one was his favorite with his seal of approval. Bear discovered belonging, safety and lived out his last two years of his life in sublime comfort and bliss. When he did experience discomfort Sarah's passion as an herbalist was their ally. Massaging his arthritic knees and sprinkling even larger doses of loving care his way.

Several weeks ago exhaling his final earthly breath unassisted by the vet, on his own terms with Sarah and the herd encircling him. Her horses stood vigil throughout the night until he could be buried the following day in her pasture. Understanding their critical role, not straying and making sure he was fully attended to was their last act of tangible care Bear was sent off with.

“Without a culture informed by elders, where can we look for guidance? The elder within. The Earth, the planets and stars. All of these elders are speaking to us.”~ Virginia Rosenberg. I must add animals to her elders. May we pause and bow to those who carry their ancient wisdom in whatever form they appear to us in. Each carrying messages and a wealth of vital ways of BEing too precious to miss. Trusting fully who and what they are, never wishing away their existence to any other form and remembering that they inhabit a vital role within this tender and fragile ecosystem of life.

(Bear resting and sunbathing under his favorite pepper tree.)

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