The skin is the heaviest organ in the human body, weighing (9.9 pounds, 4.5 kilograms) on average. The skin is also the largest organ, making up about 16% of a person’s total body weight. This anatomy lesson will become pertinent in a bit, hang in there.
I am always heartened and uplifted after our talks! Thank you for being you and sharing yourself with me. After an early morning conversation with a dear pal, she sent me this text. The day progressed from there with my monthly healing tool that I gift myself with, a deep tissue massage. I understand it is a privilege to be able to be the recipient of healing touch to my skin, which I am reminded is my heaviest and largest organ. No wonder it feels otherworldly to me, and I sense my entire being engaging in a deep bow, to my alchemist of life giving touch.
How fascinating that my initial connecting time with my massage therapist, contained our sharing about lightening up and how life giving this reminder is. Followed with her extraordinary gift of sensing into all the places within my body that houses and holds onto more than it desires to. Orange and sandalwood oil applied, along with hot stones gliding across my skin, both assisting in the releasing of any heaviness that I am carrying on both a personal and collective level. There is absolutely no way that one is not affected living within these earth suits of ours, and as we are reminded, our bodies keep the score.
I am acutely aware of the current times we are living into. Each of us being asked to self regulate, however that may present itself. Whether it be unplugging from our devices, moving our bodies, listening to music, reading, spending time out in nature, cooking/baking, discovering a creative outlet, staying properly hydrated, meditating, reaching out, growing our funny bone, and taking the needed time daily to take a deep dive within.This is where our settling into, soothing, listening and ability to lighten resides.
A valid and most appropriate question we may desire to ask of ourselves might be what can we set down, offer over to assist in the ongoing creating and spaciousness infused with a lightness we so deeply crave? Go easy, little turtle, is on repeat lately within me. Perhaps this is a universal call as we heed and imbibe our inner turtle medicine? Gentle and loving care to all who land here today. We were made for these times. My heart SEES and feels yours. We’ve got one another, no matter how wild and crazy this ride may take us on. I find myself returning to my breath often, with a deep inhale, exhale and always a pause.
Mary Oliver puts it like this:
Every day
I see or hear something
that more or less
kills me with delight,
that leaves me like a needle
in the haystack of light.
Lightly I trudge into deep openings of rivers of light🐢💫😍🤎🍂🥰 together, hand in hand and heart to heard. What an absolutely beautiful piece my dearest Joanie. Deepest bows of gratitude for this offering and as always your love, like and joy that radiates across oceans🌊🐚🥰💓
Aww, yes, a deep bow for all things calming and soothing. I'm with you, Mary Beth. I appreciate the generosity of your comments as I'm always so very curious as to what speaks deeply to another. 💚🐢
Thank you Joanie for your words that sooth...I love this," I sense my entire being engaging in a deep bow, to my alchemist of life giving touch."
And for Mary Oliver.
I am keeping that image of a sea turtle slowing down, close to me.
A deep replenishing breath.