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Creative Offerings by Andelene and Justine

Joanie Madsen

The beautiful soul. There once lived a beautiful soul, Who had a kind and caring heart. But none could understand her, So they tore her heart apart. Her purpose was to help and care, Her life invisible. Socially unacceptable, She got through the impossible! At times another caring heart Would come to lend a hand, Lift up this almost dying soul From depths few understand. Looking back this fragile soul Saw purpose in where she once stood, Her modest contributions lead To some unique, life changing good! ~ Andelene

Photo taken by the author of the poem, which represents her daughter, granddaughter and Andelene. Living together, but in different stages of their lives, as individuals and collectively. Reflecting back on her life Andelene realizes that love and caring have been the main ingredients that are enfolding them today and this was and still IS one of Colleen's most precious gifts that just keeps giving.

Paintings by Justine on her healing path. Often her daughter, Danielle, weighs in on suggesting different colors and ideas for her paintings and several of these hang on Danielle's bedroom wall. This has become her time and their time to BE and to create in the moment together.

Deepest gratitude to you both for sharing your creativity and healing tools which are encouraging that which lives inside of you to be birthed into the world for us to enjoy.

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