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Come As You Are

Joanie Madsen

Come as you are. What lands within you when you read those four words? It might behoove each of us to become quiet, curious and notice what bubbles up.

What a blessing it is to occupy spaces where one can feel, be and come just as we are. With this new moon in Aries and the Spring Equinox, Mother Nature is providing us with a potent download and once again an invitation for new beginnings.

One does not have to become an astrologer to glean some basic knowledge about the ancient study of astrology. Personally, it helps me to learn about and become aware of the configuration of the planets with their movements and changes. It encourages me to to try to expand within this arena so that I see how it might be influencing and affecting my birth chart. Once again, a tool in my tool box that I find useful.

“How does the Aries energy of the new moon touch your own heart? What are the vows you are making to yourself as this new cycle begins? And what supports you the most? When do you feel the most like yourself? Where do you feel most supported by others? What is working well? What needs to be cleared in the garden of your life for the next round of growth?” ~ Rochelle Schiek WWW.QOYA.LOVE

I am vowing to check in with myself frequently throughout the day with curiosity and loving care. To begin my day with some deep breathing as I stand outside noticing the stars that are still illuminating the early morning sky before the sun rises. Rick Rubin in his book, The Creative Act: A Way of Being, reminds us that awareness needs constant refreshing, that small rituals such as stillness, centering, an openness to receiving and curating the quality of what we allow in encourages us to feel a connection to the unseen world where no proof is needed.

What supports me the most is my remembering that I am not alone. I am surrounded by hearts with ears earth side and also a spirit team who are guiding me. All I need to be aware of is what my next step is as that is all I am given when living into the present moment. I sink my boat every time I get too far ahead of myself and most of what I have fretted and worried about rarely comes to fruition.

I feel the most like myself when I’m in relationship with others. Listening, holding space, witnessing, being witnessed and holding space for those I’m with to be however they need to be. It invites the same from me and I imagine we’re bridge builders constructing something beautiful together where we can meet and hear one another into healing and well-being.

What is working well for me is to circle back immediately to clarify, to see how what I shared might have landed for another rather than waiting, guessing and wondering.

I have to become a faithful gardener and tend my garden well. The weeds and tangling vines that can overtake my garden require my constant attention. Clearing away what no longer serves me and most often what those weeds magnify is my personalizing something that has absolutely nothing to do with me. This is an aspect of myself which causes embarrassment and shame if I’m not vigilant. Throughout this season of my life I’m discovering that most often what I’m picking up around another has absolutely nothing to do with me. It is about who is in my sphere and their individual and unique process. If I have caused any harm and hurt I hope that I have created a sense of safety and trust where I feel approachable so that we can work towards clarity and resolution together.

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