I was so deeply touched this past weekend by the tender lyrics of a high school girl, playing her guitar, singing a solo, about a time in her life that was extremely painful and deeply challenging. Her verse,“Do you see me, as I’m standing right in front of you?” Has taken a tight hold of my heart, and will not let go.
Watching this young beauty of a soul, with such courage allowing us the privilege into the inner most parts of her world during a dark time as she described. Her tender vulnerability singing with such conviction and clarity touched each of us, as I noticed many quiet tears falling, including my own. Are you able to see who I am in my fullness, and not what you desire or wish I would be?
Glimpses into her young adolescent life she captured so eloquently throughout her creation. Noting that she did not always learn like others did. Could her teachers still recognize that she was trying? Offer additional ways to get to a similar outcome, yet another way provided? How vividly I recall when I was in the classroom as both a teacher and student. Often I summoned a student in my class to come up to the board, and show their tricks, most especially with math. So amazing to watch the children look at me and say, now I get it and I would reply, finally I do too! We’d all share a hearty laugh each and every time.
As we gather during this holiday season or at other times of the year, can we practice truly seeing who is standing before us? Witnessing one another in such a way that doesn’t desire to change one hair on one another’s heads, beginning with our own? This requires awareness, being intentional, and always remembering how we feel when greeted with loving arms and open hearts. Simply desiring to soak in the depths of one another, while not wishing for anyone or anything to be other than what it is.
May we stand facing one another, and soak in one another’s essence, sharing what we are noticing, admiring, and if an amends is in order, the time is now. That ship has never sailed, and I have discovered that if something is bothering me in how I engaged with another, it’s worthwhile to circle back to see if repair is needed.
I will return in the new year refreshed and renewed with sharing what matters to me, and hopefully to you as well. Mahalo nui loa for your support all year round. May this season unfold in the most nourishing, gentle and nurturing of ways. Hand in hand, Heart to heart we go.

your words and the Rumi quote really spoke to me xx